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Mobile Scaffolding (틀비계) Mobile Scaffolds can be erected quickly and can provide a safe access. However, they are involved in numerous accidents each year. These accidents usually happen because the Mobile Scaffolds has either not been erected properly or has not been used properly. [Hazards] · Collapse of tower scaffold. · Tipping of tower scaffold. · Fall from tower scaffold. · Hitting overhead powerlines or obstructi.. 2022. 12. 8.
Scaffolds Fall from height is the Construction Industries biggest killer and accounts for 50% of the Construction Industries deaths every year. Falling objects is another of the Construction Industries biggest killer but this has reduced with the requirement to wear hard hats. [Hazards] · Falling through Scaffolds. · Falling off Scaffolds. · Falling objects. · Scaffold collapsing due to overloading. · Sca.. 2022. 12. 8.
Skin Care (피부보호) Many of the substances used in construction can damage skin if suitable precautions are not taken. Cements, epoxy resins, paints, mineral oils etc. can cause problems such as chemical burns, dermatitis and sometimes skin cancers. The precautions required are laid down in the COSHH Assessment for the substance in use. Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) is very often required and must be worn. Pe.. 2022. 12. 8.
Hands & Feet Safety from Manual Handling The industry involves a considerable amount of Manual Handling. Injuries to hands and feet make up a high percentage of the total number of injuries. Many injuries are caused because individuals do not take time to assess the hazards and risks involved when they are to carry out simple every day work. [Hazards] · Fingers and hands being cut by material being handled. · Hands or feet being trappe.. 2022. 12. 8.
Water Jetting (워터젯) The use of water jetting for cleaning surfaces has now become popular, eg car washing house drives and path cleaning. Within the construction industry its main use for the demolition of concrete structures. All types of water jetting present hazards to both operators of the equipment and others. The higher water pressures required by the construction industry to cut through concrete and similar .. 2022. 12. 8.
Office Safety Office safety is just as important as Site safety. There are many hazards awaiting the unwary ranging from Manual Handling to Hazardous Substances. [Hazards] · Accumulations of flammable material ie paper. · Tripping hazards such as cables operations such as moving cabinets etc. · Manual handling causing strains or sprains. · Poorly organised work stations. · Hazardous substances damaging health.. 2022. 12. 8.
Leptospirosis , Weil's Disease (렙토스피라증, 웨일씨병) Two types of leptospirosis infection can affect workers. Weil’s disease is a serious and sometimes fatal infection. Leptospirosis is an infectious bacterial disease occurring in rodents, dogs, and other mammals, which can be trasmitted to humans There are two types: Weil's Disease : This is transmitted to humans by contact with urine from infected rats The hardjo form of Leptospirosis : This is .. 2022. 12. 8.