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ABRASIVE WHEELS ABRASIVE WHEELS BACKGROUND INFORMATION Cut off wheels, are commonly known as 'disc cutters', 'stilh saws' or 'spinners'. They are hand-held versatile tool, that can be extremely dangerous in the hands of an untrained person. It is therefore essential that potential users are trained in both use of the tool and how to safely change the disc. It is a requirement of the Abrasive Wheels Regulations .. 2023. 3. 7.
PORTABLE ELECTRIC TOOLS PORTABLE ELECTRIC TOOLS BACKGROUND INFORMATION Portable electric equipment and cables are subject to harsh conditions and rough use. Equipment is likely to be damaged and may become dangerous. Modern double insulated tools are well protected, but thier cables and plugs are still vulnerable to damage and should be regularly checked. It is essential that the type of equipment selected is suitable .. 2023. 3. 7.
HAND TOOLS HAND TOOLS BACKGROUND INFORMATION Hand tools, in this context, refer to those tools for which the hand provides the motive force, ie picks, shovels, axes, crowbars, wrenches, saws, chisels, hammers, screwdrivers, etc. These tools, by themselves, are incapable of causing accidents, although some poorly designed tools may be inherently dangerous, Therefore, accidents with them tend to arise from h.. 2023. 3. 7.
LADDERS AND STEPS LADDERS AND STEPS BACKGROUND INFORMATION Ladders are best used as a means of getting access to a workplace. They should only be used as a workplace for short term work. They are only suitable for light work. More than half the accidents involving ladders happens because the ladder was not prevented from falling or slipping or the correct ladder/steps where not used HAZARDS Falling from height (p.. 2023. 3. 7.
TELEHANDLERS FITTED WITH CRANE HOOK ATTACHMENT TELEHANDLERS FITTED WITH CRANE HOOK ATTACHMENT BACKGROUND INFORMATION Telehandlers have increased the range and capability of fork trucks greatly over recent years the most significant aspect is the range of handling enabling cranage duties to be performed. This talk identifies the attachment of a hooks block to forks, and highlights the problem of then not having a fized load thus effecting sta.. 2023. 3. 6.
OVERHEAD CRANES OVERHEAD CRANES BACKGROUND INFORMATION Many incidents occur with overhead cranes due to untrained personnel disregarding the fact that this type of crane requires the same respect as any other form of craneage this is generally due to the simple operational devices eg(pendents) and controlled travel HAZARDS Operator access Lifting operations over and around personnel Access to controls by untrai.. 2023. 3. 3.
DUMPTRUCK DRIVERS DUMPTRUCK DRIVERS BACKGROUND INFORMATION Every year the operation of plant in quarries leads to fatal accidents, alll of which were preventable. Official figures show that 125 of the 210 deaths in quarries were caused by vehicles. Dumptrucks are the largest hazard in most quarries, ready to catch out the unaware. HAZARDS Poor direct all round visibility from the driving position of most dumptruc.. 2023. 3. 1.