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Safety/Safety Talk74

HANDS AND FEET HANDS AND FEET BACKGROUND INFORMATION The industry involves a considerable amount of Manual Handling. Injuries to hands and feet make up a high percentage of the total number of injuries. Many injuries are caused because individuals do not take time to assess the hazards and risks involved when they are to carry out simple everyday work. HAZARDS Fingers and hands being cut by material being hand.. 2023. 1. 30.
BURIED SERVICES Buried Services BACKGROUND INFORMATION Underground services are easily damaged during excavation work. Most accidents are the result of failure to locate all services or by not taking all practicable precautions while excavating. HAZARDS Struck by ejected material following explosion following contact with electrical services Burns from flames, molten metal or plastic following contact with elec.. 2023. 1. 29.
HYGIENE FOR FOOD HANDLERS HYGIENE FOR FOOD HANDLERS BACKGROUND INFORMATION Cases of E-Coli 0157 and Salmonella Food Poisoning have made the news headlines of late. There are mumerous diseases that can be sperad by contaminated food. Good food hygiene is therefore essential when preparing food. *E-Coli 0157 : 장출혈성 대장균 ->일명, 햄버거병 HAZARDS Stomach disorders, bacteria passed into the food chain Food borne diseases E-Coli and .. 2023. 1. 28.
WATER JETTING WATER JETTING BACKGROUND INFORMATION The use of water jetting for cleaning surfaces has now become popular, eg car washing house drives and path cleaning. Within the construction industry its main use for the demolition of concrete structures. All types of water jetting present hazards to both operators of the equipment and others. The higher water pressures required by the construction industry.. 2023. 1. 26.
OFFICE SAFETY BACKGROUND INFORMATION Office safety is just as important as Site Safety. There are many hazards awaiting the unwary ranging from Manual Handling to Hazardous Substances. HAZARDS Accumulations of flammable material ie paper Tripping hazards such as cables operations such as moving cabinets etc. Manual handling causing strains or sprains Poorly organized work stations Hazardous substances damagin.. 2023. 1. 25.
LEPTOSPIROSIS (WEIL'S DISEASE) BACKGROUND INFORMATION Two types of leptospirosis infection can affect workers. Weil's disease is a serious and sometimes fatal infection that is transmitted to humans by contacto with urine from infected rats. The Hardjo form of leptospirosis is trasmitted from cattle. HAZARDS The bacteria can get into the body through cuts and scratches and through the lining of the mouth, throat and eyes The .. 2023. 1. 24.
SAFETY PROCEDURE ASSOCIATED WITH WORKING ON THE ROADS BACKGROUND INFORMATION Whenevery vehicles or plant are moving or working alongside pedestrians or pedestrian operatives on any roadwork's site, there is a high accident potential. Roadwork's applies to both new highway construction and resurfacing of exisiting highways. Similar work may be drainage operations, kerb laying, gully clearing etc. All these activties, when undertaken alongside an exi.. 2023. 1. 24.