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Safety/JSA_JHA (위험성평가)

JSA (Job Safety Analysis)

by Pkassy 2022. 12. 11.

A Job Safety Analysis (JSA)also known as a Job Hazard Analysis(JHA), is to identify hazards before they occur. It is on the relationship between workers, tasks, equipment, devices and working environment. After you identify uncontrolled hazards, you should carry out four steps to eliminate or reduce it to an acceptable risk level


1. Select the job and review any existing documents

2. Identify and analyze the potential hazards

3. Determine preventative measures to minimize the risk of injury and/or

    risk of exposure to hazards

4. Following correctives, the demands and hazards should be documented

    with the appropriate controls



JSA (Job Safety Analysis) 는 이미 Safety Moment 에서 소개 하였으니 한번 찾아보세요.


이 카테고리는 제가 준비하고, 이름을 붙인 Initial JSA를 알려드리고자 만들었습니다.

기본적으로 내용은 일반적인 Hazards 와 Control measures 로 작성하였으며, 이를 필요로 하시는 분들은

업무 특성에 맞도록 추가, 보완하여 적용하셔야 할 것 입니다.


하나씩 업로드 할 Contents는 첨부와 같이 올려두었구요.

Initial JSA 이후에는 Risk Assessment 등도 함께 등록도 계획 중에 있습니다.


오늘도 안전한 하루, 즐겁게 보내시구요.

오늘은 내 남은 인생의 가장 젊은 날입니다.


[JSA Category Index]

1 Air Blowing Test 21 Leak Test of Pipes 41 Removal of Floor Gratings
2 Air Flushing 22 Maintenance Work on Plant 42 Rigging
3 Asphalt Works (Road Work) 23 Manual Handling 43 Spray Painting
4 Backfilling Work 24 Masonry and Plastering Work 44 Steel Structure Election
5 Bolt Tightening, Torquing 25 Moving Around Platform 45 Testing of Batteries Charger
6 Cable Pulling, Installation
and Banding
26 Nitrogen Testing 46 Tie-in with Existing Substances
7 Coring on Existing Drainage
27 Operating Bench Type Profile
47 Tower Crane Erection &
8 Electrical Insptallations 28 Operating Cranes
(Pedestal or Tower)
48 Use of Manbasketwith Crane
9 Electrical Testing 29 Operating Forklift Trucks 49 Welding Materials
10 Excavation Work 30 Operating Mobile Cranes 50 Working at Heights
11 Fire Proofing by Spraying 31 Operating Mobile Plant and
51 Working in Adverse
Environmental Conditions
12 Gas Cutting 32 Operating Over Head Cranes 52 Working in Confined Space
13 Grating Installation 33 Operating Pipe Cutting 53 Working in Habitants
14 Grinding 34 Operating Pneumatic
Hand Tools
54 Working on Mobile
15 Grit Blasting 35 Operating the Rotational
55 Working on Scaffolding
16 HDPE Installation 36 Piping Installation 56 Working with Corrosive
17 HVAC Duct Installation &
37 Piping, Equipment Installation 57 Working with Electrical
18 Hydrotesting 38 Pneumatic Testing 58 Working with Flammable
19 Instrument Installation 39 Pouring Concrete 59 Working with Hazadous
Toxic Materials
20 Insulation work for Piping &
40 Radiography 60 Working with Ladders

Initial JSA_Index.pdf


'Safety > JSA_JHA (위험성평가)' 카테고리의 다른 글

05. Bolt Tightening and Torquing  (0) 2022.12.11
04. Backfilling Work  (0) 2022.12.11
03. Asphalt Works  (0) 2022.12.11
02. Air Flushing  (0) 2022.12.11
01. Air Blowing Test  (0) 2022.12.11
