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Safety/JSA_JHA (위험성평가)

04. Backfilling Work

by Pkassy 2022. 12. 11.

ㅠㅁExcavation and backfilling of soil is a very important part of construction process, and care must be taken while excavation in safety perspective. Different soil layers may be encountered while excavation, dewatering may be needed sometimes. These points must be kept in mind to take necessary action during excavation and backfilling.


주유원이 굴삭기에 주유를 하고 주유호스를 정리하고 있었습니다. 굴삭기 운전원이 소변을 보고 돌아와서 주유가 끝났다고 단순히 생각하고 스윙을 하였습니다. 스윙하는 버킷에 주유원이 부딪쳐 사망한 사고가 있었습니다.

자주 근로자 분들에게 말씀드립니다. "굴삭기 운전원을 믿으면 안됩니다".

'내가 여기 있는 것을 운전원은 알겠지'라는 생각은 버려야 합니다.

나의 안전을 누구에게 의지해서는 안됩니다. 나의 안전은 내가 지켜야죠!!

굴삭기를 보면 그 버킷의 사이즈를 통해 능력(Capacity)를 흔히 10, 08, 06, 04, 02 라고 이야기 합니다.10은 1m3을 의미하죠.  10 굴삭기를 가까이 보면 굉장한 힘이 몸소 느껴집니다.



Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Collapse 1. Lack of soil investigation 
2. Who don't comply with procedures
    or standards
1. Conduct a soil test to identify what type of soil
    to be excavated used sloping, benching,
    shoring,  to avoid cave in.
2. Excavated area shall be provide physical 
    barricaded & signages.
3. Excavated soil/sand is to be maintained 1 meter
    away from the edges of the excavation. including
    any type of equipment.
Electrocution or 
existing equipment
or materials damage
1. Failure to perform a survey for any 
   presence of under ground
1. Identify and marked all under ground cables and
    plumbing line prior to start the trenching.
2. Survey the area if any presence of under 
    ground utilities power cable, pipelines
Slip, Trip, and Fall 1. Lack of arrangement or storage 
   materials in neat orderly manner
1. All materials, tools & equipment shall be stored
   in tidy manner & the site/work shop should be
   cleaned as the work progress
2. Remove dunnage, banding, crate material, nails 
    etc. and dispose property
Collision 1. Can occur that an excavator and 
   personnel is involved in a collision
1 Excavated area shall be provide physical
   barricaded to guard from falling hazard.
2. Supervisor and flag man shall be control the
   equipment operation for excavation and back
   filling works
3. Proper signs shall be placed near excavation to 
   alert the surrounding employees
4. Provide ramp in proper angle for access/egress 
    to the excavation
Fatal or Injury 1. Improper equipment movements 1. Only certified and experienced operator shall be 
   operate the equipments
2. All heavy equipment shall be provided with seat 
   belt and use while operating
3. Back-up alarm shall be provided to alert the 
   employees while reversing the equipment
4. After finish the removal of fence the excavation
   will be backfilled as soon as possible
Aware of Inadequate
1. Lack of communication between 
   worker parties
1. Secure and apply all PTW support documents 
   prior to start the job
2. Conduct safety TBM and discuss the JSA & 
   procedure to start of work
3. All personnel must wear the appropriate PPE for 
   their specific task
4. Work force has good understanding of task
   and working to the approve JSA and permit




'Safety > JSA_JHA (위험성평가)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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