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25. Moving Around Platform 고소작업대, 컨베이어, 자동화창고 등의 AGV (Automated Guided Vehicles) 등등 주변에 움직이는 기기 또는 장치가 있는 환경에서 작업이 이뤄지는 상황을 전제로 위험요인을 파악하고 있습니다. 입동이 지나고 2021년 첫 겨울비가 내리는 날이네요. 몸은 춥겠지만, 마음은 따뜻한 겨울이 되었으면 좋겠네요. Category Hazards Controls Hearing Damage 1. During maintenance works, etc. There are many hazards present which could cause personnel to slip or trip such as trailing cables, hoses, spilage of oil or grease or waste a.. 2022. 12. 15.
JSA (Job Safety Analysis) A Job Safety Analysis (JSA), also known as a Job Hazard Analysis(JHA), is to identify hazards before they occur. It is on the relationship between workers, tasks, equipment, devices and working environment. After you identify uncontrolled hazards, you should carry out four steps to eliminate or reduce it to an acceptable risk level 1. Select the job and review any existing documents 2. Identify .. 2022. 12. 11.
Job Safety Analysis (JSA, 위험성평가) JOB SAFETY ANALYSIS (JSA) is a systematic process that breaks down a job into a sequence of steps, identifies hazard in each step, evaluates the actual and potential risk of the hazard and establishes risk control measures. Work Method Statement (WMS, Method of Statement) is a document detailing how a particular task or activity will be carried out. It should detail the possible daners/risks ass.. 2022. 12. 7.