728x90 분류 전체보기551 SITE ELECTRICITY BACKGROUND INFORMATION Electricity is essential on sites to power tools, provide lighting and heat it must be respected even the best and safest of installations can cause danger if abused. Electricity is when all safety precautions have been established and are maintained. Work on electrical equipment can only be carried out by competent person. HAZARDS Electric shock caused by direct contact w.. 2023. 1. 11. MANUAL HANDLING BACKGROUND INFORMATION Lifting and moving loads by hand is one of the most common causes of injury at work. Many Manual Handing injuries result from repetitive operations but even one bad lift can cause a lifetime of pain and disability. HAZARDS Damage to the spine (slipped disc, crushed vertebrae, etc) Pulled or torn muscles or ligaments. Broken fingers or toes. Severe cuts. HEALTH AND SAFETY P.. 2023. 1. 11. Noise BACKGROUND INFORMATION Noise is unwanted sound as opposed to music and speach which provides entertainment and communication. Loud noise can damage your hearing. This damage cannot be repaired using a hearing aid. HAZARDS Difficulty in communicating due to high background noise Increased stress levels due to loud noise Temporary hearing loss after one off exposure to high noise levels Permanent .. 2023. 1. 11. Good Housekeeping BACKGROUND INFORMATION Many accidents are caused or aggravated by untidy conditions on site. There is a duty for all of us to keep our workplace in good order. Good housekeeping is essential in running a safe site. HAZARDS Stumbling, tripping or slipping on material left oon floors, platforms or walkways. Falling objects from material left at height on scaffolding, platforms, girders, pipes. Str.. 2023. 1. 10. Color Coding - Inspection 기계, 기구, 장치, 도구 등 작업에 필요한 많은 매체(물건)들이 있습니다. 이것들이 안전한 제품인지, 사용상에 문제가 없는지, 목적에 맞는 제품인지, 어디 손상이나 변형 등이 있는지 살펴보고 확인하는 행위를 점검이라 말할 수 있습니다. 점검을 하고 간단한 표기를 통해 "이건 점검된 제품이구나!!!" 알 수 있도록 프로그램-약속을 하는것을 Color Coding Inspection System - Color Coding 등으로 호칭합니다. 각 프로젝트과 사업장 특성에 맞게 색깔을 구분하여 사용하게 되고, 이들 프로그램을 근로자가 인지하고 알 수 있도록 하는 교육 자료입니다. 반복되고, 자주 노출될 수 있도록 표지판 / Safety Moment / Safety Talk 등의 주제로 선정하여 전파해야 할 것.. 2023. 1. 10. Housekeeping Housekeeping~ 처음 접했을 때, 무슨 말인가 했습니다 Housekeeper~ 이렇게 영어 단어가 사용되는구나 했습니다 태어나서~ 학교에서~ 직장에서~ 집에서~ 자주 듣는 말이죠!! 주변 정리정돈!! 가장 기본이 되는 조건이기도 하구요 정리정돈이라는 것!! 법으로 규정할 수 없을거예요 그리고 주관적😂입니다 내 눈에는 '이만큼 했으면 충분하네' 가 다른 이의 눈에는 '왜 정리정돈을 안하지?'로 생각 될 수도 있어요!! 끝이없는 정리정돈, 아래 교육 자료를 통해서 조금이라도 그 차이를 줄여보는건 어떨까요? [Contents] [Good Housekeeping] [Poor Housekeeping] [Good Housekeeping Habits] [Attitude] [Effective] [Prevent.. 2023. 1. 9. Working on existing Roads (도로 위 작업) Whenever vehicles or plant are moving or working alongside pedestrians or pedestrian operatives on any roadwork’s site, there is a high accident potential. Roadwork’s applies to both new highway construction and resurfacing of existing highways. Similar work may be drainage operations, kerb laying, gully clearing etc. All these activities, when undertaken alongside an existing road have the pote.. 2023. 1. 8. 이전 1 ··· 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 ··· 79 다음 728x90