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Safety/JSA_JHA (위험성평가)56

플라스틱 가공제품 제조업 공정별 위험과 예방대책 플라스틱 가공제품은 사출성형기에 금형을 장착하고 금형 내로 합성수지를 사출한 후 굳히는 과정을 통해 만들어진다. 이때 사출성형 공정은 금형 닫힘, 사출, 보압, 냉각, 금형 떨림, 제품 분리의 순서로 이루어집니다. 사출성형된 제품은 사상, 검사 및 조립 등의 과정을 거쳐 제품이 완성됩니다. 이때 기계가 끼임, 로봇에 부딪힘, 중량물 취급에 따른 근골격계 질환 등의 위험이 발생합니다.▣ 공정별 유해·위험요인과 예방대책1.원재료 입고 및 출고와 적재작업유해·위험요인예방대책지게차를 이용한 운반작업-지게차 운행 중 작업자와의 부딪힘-지게차 운행 중 넘어짐-운반기계용과 보행자용 출입구를 구분해 설치함-작업장 내 안전통로를 설치함-작업장 내 제한속도를 준수하고 작업지휘자 또는 유도자를 배치함-지게차는 유자격자가 운.. 2024. 5. 3.
55. Working on Scaffolding We all know that fall hazards are the leading cause of construction worker deaths, accounting for about 33.5% of all fatalities in construction each year. Of the 338 construction worker fatalities attributed to falls in 2018, close to 15% were from scaffolds. OSHA estimates that about 65% of all construction workers perform some work on scaffolds every year. That’s a lot of folks working on scaf.. 2022. 12. 23.
54. Working on Mobile Scaffolds Mobile scaffolds are a type of supported scaffold set on wheels or casters. They are designed to be easily moved and are commonly used for things like painting and plastering, where workers must frequently change position. Mobile Scaffolds are an aluminium structure that is erected on site. It can be built to a maximum height of 12 metres and comes equipped with lockable wheels or casters for ea.. 2022. 12. 23.
52. Working in Confined Spaces What are some common hazards in a confined space? Hazardous gases and vapor such as carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, Freon, hydrogen sulfide, welding gases, ammonia etc. Asphyxiation due to limited oxygen. Combustible dusts. Flammable liquid or gases. Explosion. Engulfment. Becoming trapped. Fall hazards. It can be any space of an enclosed nature where there is a risk of death or serious injury .. 2022. 12. 23.
51. Working in Adverse Environmental Conditions High/low temperature or temperature changes Stale/stuffy air and dry or humid air Insufficient day light and low quality general lighting Crowded workplace These findings are related to the health symtoms suffered by the occupants. Those who experience symptoms of ill-health are the least satisfied with the environmental conditions at thier place of work. It is evident that the occupants believe.. 2022. 12. 23.
50. Working at Heights Working at height remains one of the biggest causes of fatalities and major injuries. Common cases include falls from ladders and through fragile surfaces. 'Work at height' means work in any place where, if there were no precautions in place, a person could fall a distance liable to cause personal injury (for example a fall through a fragile roof). This section shows how employers can take simpl.. 2022. 12. 21.
49. Welding Work The basic purpose of welding is to join two elements together with a firm connection. Welders typically work with metal or thermoplastic and use durable filler material to bind them together. Welding is used to create many modern constructions in our world, such as skyscrapers, cars, ships and airplanes. Category Hazards Controls Overexposure to Exotic Welding Fumes 1. Exposure to fumes can have.. 2022. 12. 21.