Many incidents occur with overhead cranes due to untrained personnel disregarding the fact that this type of crane requires the same respect as any other form of craneage this is generally due to the simple operational devices eg(pendents) and controlled travel

- Operator access
- Lifting operations over and around personnel
- Access to controls by untrained operatives
- Ensure the total load to be lifted (including rigging) does not exceed the rated capacity of the hoist.
- Operate all controls ensure their proper operation. Do not operate damaged or malfunctioning hoist
- Test the limit switch by raising the gook block slowly until it makes contact with the switch. If it does not stop the hoisting motion, stop the upward movement and report failure to your supervisor
- Insert the hook, chain and wire rope. Ensure no slack is present on drum or load bock
- Do not operate hoist with twisted, kinked or damaged chain or rope
- Position the hoist with twisted, kinked or damaged chain or rope
- Position the hoist or load in a direct vertical line to eliminate side loading
- Do not operate hoist with other than its own power
- Attach the load block hook by means of slings or other approved devices
- Ensure the slings or other approved devices are properly seated in the saddle of the hook
- If necessary, attach tag lines to control the load
- Ensure that the rigging and load will clear all obstacles
- Ensure there is no loose gear or material on the load
- Clear all non-essential personnel from the operational area
- The operator shall respond to signals only form the person who is directing the lift, or an appointed signal man. Howevery, he shall obey a stop signal at all times, not matter who gives it
- Raise the load carefully. Keep the load under control until it is secured
- Do not leave the controls while a load is on the hook
- Return the hoisting devices to its designated park position and open the main circuit breaker
- Test hois and travel limit devices at start of each shift
- Sound warning signal when approaching personnel
- Balance load in sling before lifting ore than few inches
- Test hoist brakes whenever lifting load approach rated load capacity. Lift load a few inches and test hoist brakes before making complete lift
- Make visual checks on equipment at reasonable intervals and report defects immediately
- Use controller to "stop" hoist - NOT limit switch
- Watch for proper rigging on load before lifting
- Know standard hand signals
- Read manufacturer's operating instruction book
Do Not
- Life more than rated capacity of hoist or crane
- Operate with twisted, kinked or damaged hoist rope(s)
- Operate damaged or malfunctioning hoist
- Operate if rope is not seated in drum or sheave grooves
- Lift unless load slings are centred on hook
- Lift people or travel with people on load
- Make side pulls which misalign rope with hoist
- Operate unless all travel limit devices are functioning
- Lower below point where less than two full wraps of rope remain on hoist drum
- Use upper limit switch to "stop" hoist. Limit switch is for "emergency stop" only
- Leave operating position with suspended load on hook
- Permit load to contact obstacles
- What is a limit switch?
- What must you do if you find that hoist rope is damaged?
- When can you leave a crane with a suspended load?

No one may drive or operate mechanical plant or vehicle unless trained, competent, and authorized. This particularly applies to persons under 18 years of age.
Our aim is to stop accidents at work. Please help us to achieve this goal
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