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Safety/JSA_JHA (위험성평가)

14. Grinding (그라인더 사용)

by Pkassy 2022. 12. 14.
Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Particles in The Eye 1. Can occur through attempting to
   lift. Pulll or push a load outside your
   physical capabilities.
1. The company operates a mandatory eye 
   protection policy. This must adhered to at all

2. Gogles or a full face mask shall be worn at all 
   times when carrying out grinding. Safety glasses
   shall be worn underneath a face visor.

3. Screens shall be erected around the operator to
   protect other personnel. This may be either
   plywood or flame retardant tarpaulins.

4. Permit to work requirements shall be strictly 
   adhered to at all times.

Major Burns/ Grazing
1. Grazing type burns are not 
   uncommon. This is generally caused
   by kickback or momentary loss of
   control of the grinder by the operator.

1. Tool box meeting are effective method of raising
   the individuals awareness to hazards. personnel
   shall maintain a two handed control of grinder at
   all times.

2. Gauntlets shall be worn while operating grinders 
   to protect the forearms in case the grinder kicks
   during use.

Vibration White Finger
1. Loss of blood circulation in fingers 
   creating permanent numbness,
   incurable once contracted.
2. Contracted by long periods of using
   vibration equipment.

1. Personal Protective Equipment shall be worn at 
   all times(i.e. gauntlets). Natural breaks to be taken
   as and when required.
2. This risk shall be identified at the tool box stage.

Slips,Trips and Falls
Extention leads trailing around work 
sites cause tripping hazards with serious potential injury.
1. Good housekeeping shall be maintained all times.
2. Cables shall be tied secured overhead to remove 
3. If cables must run across the floor, then they 
   must be secured or covered to prevent personnel
   from tripping or heghlighted with barrier tape.

Fire or Explosion
1. Can occur by the ignition of 
   combustible materials or by grinding
   in gas enriched atmospheres.

1. Good housekeeping shall be maintained both 
   before and during all work activities.
2. Fire blankets shall be used to protect equipment
   and other personnel.
3. Fire extinguishers shall be on hand at all times, 
   or fire hose reel in place.
4. Firewatcher shall be present during all hot work 
5. Flame retardant coveralls shall be worn at all
6. Atmosphere shall be tested for gas proir to
   work commencement.
7. Personnel shall ensure that they can isolate their
   equipment and tools, etc. within a suitable time,
   i.e. five seconds, If not then equipment shall be
Over Exposure to
1. Caused by grinding exotic materials 
   such as conifer, nickel, etc. or by using
   grinding methods to remove coatings
   and paint which may contain toxic
  materials such as lead or isocyanates.
1. Personnel shall use localized (filter) fume 
   extraction during paint removal operations or
   when grinding exotic materials.
2. Operators shall ensure that they wear suitable 
   respiratory protective equipment, i.e. air fed face
   shield or particulate mask.
3. The work area shall be enclosed to protect
   other workers and/or  a barrier erected around
   the work area to prevent access (where necessary)
Hearing Damage 1. Personnel can suffer both long and 
   short term hearing problems when
   exposed to noise levels exceeding
   85 dB.
1. An assessment shall be carried out to identify
   the levels of noise for which personnel are being
2. Personnel shall wear protection when working
   in noisy environments above 85 dB.
3. As a "Rule of thumb" if you are working in an
   environment where it is necessary to shout to
   other personnel (Because of noisy work practices)
   then you should be wearing ear protection.

Mounted Disc
1. A number of near miss cases have
   occurred with grinding disc coming
   free and flying off during operation.
2. This is mainly due to the 
   inadequate positioning or securing of
   the disc on the grinder.

1. Only trained personnel shall be permitted to 
   change disc.
2. All near miss incidents shall be reported 
   immediately as it may be a sault with the
   equipment or disc and not the installation of it.
3. Personnel shall ensure that all are adequately
   fitted to grinders.
4. When a new disc is installed it shall be tested in 
   an enclosed box for 90 seconds to ensure that it
   is safe.
5. Grinders are not to be used without guards in 

Lacerations to legs
1. Can occur when working in 
   confined spaces or areas of restricted
   access should the grinder kick or slip. 
1. Chain mail aprons shall be worn by the 
   operator while working in confied spaces or
   areas of restricted access, where there is a
   possibility of the grinder slipping or kicking.
2. Gauntlets shall also be worn to protect the 
   forearms and hands.
3. Face shields shall be worn to protect the face, 
   forearm and neck.


'Safety > JSA_JHA (위험성평가)' 카테고리의 다른 글

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