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Safety/Safety Talk

Cable & Hose Management

by Pkassy 2023. 6. 9.

Cable & Hose Management

We all use electric cables, gas / air / pressure or water hoses for various reason i.e. lighting, welding, power tools, heating, cutting, pressure testing, pneumatic gouging, fire fighting etc. When those are used properly they are perfectly safe, but on the other hand they can be deadly if not treated with respect. We use cables and hoses everyday, therefore we need to put extra attention to route cables and hose in an orderly fashion to eliminate the risk of tripping and electric shock increases due to the use of damanged cables. We therefore must plan how and where our cables are routed to minimize these risks.

Minimum actions to be taken to Reduce the Risks

  1. Try to keep passageways clear from cables / hoses to minimize trip hazards. Use cable bridges as required to route cables across walkways.
  2. Always route cables and hoses in an orgerly manner. Use cable ramps to prevent trip chances.
  3. Use cable trays to lay down multiple cables in an orderly fashion.
  4. Keep cables / hoses as short as possible. Where cable stands or storages are provided must use them to kept rolled excess and unused cables / hose
  5. Hang up cables / hoses and return to the proper storage areas when not in use. Separate / isolate cables from sources when not in use.
  6. Keep cables clear from water, use palettes and 'S; clamps or any other materials to avoid contact with water.
  7. Check plugs and cables condition
  8. Always check the cables and hoses prior to use, for any sign of wear and tear.
  9. If you find any exposed cable, immediately remove it from site.

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