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Safety/Safety Talk


by Pkassy 2023. 3. 16.



The use of safety harnesses has greatly reduced the number of deaths in the construction industry. Full body harnesses should be worn in preference to belt type as these belts are not strictly harness. They are used to stop access to the rail area. Accidents still mainly occur where they are not anchored correctly to a secure fixing or not properly worn.


  • Falling from height
  • Insecure anchorage points
  • Worn or damaged webbing
  • Worn or damaged shock absorbers
  • Inadequate 'swing' under fall area (assessment of height of drop)


  • Safety harnesses must be worn by all liable to fall more than 2m where no physical edge barrier or safety net can be provided. This includes anyone working at heights, confined space working, working over water etc. Safety harnesses may need to be worn if the drop is less than 2m depending on the hazard.
  • A risk assessment must be carried out prior to use. The risk assessment should include the competency of the operatives doing the job and also the retrieval method should any of the operatives fall whilst using a safety harness
  • Training should include reference to manufacturer's instructions, which should be followed at all times. This should include how to fit harnesses to the body, how to rig and control equipment, how to fall and recover themselves and how to inspect the equipment
  • Harnesses should be selected so that they do not restrict free movement but should be substantial enough to prevent the operative  from becoming injuried, should a fall occur
  • Where practicable there should be a 3m fall zone below which will reduce any operative falling, landing or swinging into any fixed obstacle. This fall zone must be calculated by a Competent person
  • Anchorage points should be fixed to a secure structure as high as is practicable. To prevent the free fall distance and be as vertical as possible to eliminate any swinging effect.
  • Harnesses should be issued on a daily basis an details of issue should be entered on a individuals personal issue card
  • When not being worn harnesses must be stored in a cool, dry place - not in direct sunlight

Check for defects::

  • All webbing and seams for cuts, cracks, abrasions, stretching and any other deterioration which is due to weather conditioning
  • Carabeners, snap springs for strained jaws
  • Buckles and clasps for distortion and wear
  • All harnesses should be examined by a competent person at least evert 3 months and records kept of inspections
  • Where harnesses are used for confined space working they should be attached directly to the safety line or retrieval mechanism, not by the use of any lanyard


  • What must take place before safety harnesses are issued?
  • What 3 main areas should be inspected prior to using harnesses?
  • Where should anchorage points be fixed?


Make sure you know where the correct anchor points are and treat your harness and safety equipment with respect



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