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Safety/JSA_JHA (위험성평가)

15. Grit Blasting (Sand Blasting, 그릿블라스트)

by Pkassy 2022. 12. 14.

Abrasive grit blasting (also commonly known as abrasive blasting or sandblasting) involves forcibly propelling an abrasive material against a surface under high pressure.

Different variants of the blasting process involve different media, which range in their levels of abrasiveness, with some being highly abrasive while others are very mild in effect.
The most abrasive methods include shot blasting (which uses metal shot) and sandblasting.


Hazard Category Hazards Controls
Foreign Bodies in Eyes 1. With the nature of blasting 
   activities (releasing small particles of
   grit at high speeds) There will always
   be an ever present hazard of eye
   injuries. These injuries can be much
   more serious, However, If the correct
   personal protective equipment(PPE) is
   not worn.
1. Supervisors shall ensure that PPE is provided 
   and worn at all times, i.e. gogles and/or
2. Operators shall wear eye protection at all times.
3. Safety goggles or full face shield shall be worn
   by the operators.
Inhalation of Dusts 1. Both long and short term health 
   risks can occur through the
   continuous inhalation of dusts, etc.
   omitted during the grit blasting
1. Personnel shall wear respiratory protective
   equipment (RPE) at all times.
2. Health monitoring shall be required where
   operators are involved in grit blasting activities
   on a daily basis, over a long period of time.
Disconnection of Live
Air Lines
1. Serious injuries can occur to 
   personnel if high perssure air lines
   should disconnect during use, apart
   from the hazard of the air line
   "Whipping" around the area
   uncontrolled, contact with
   compressed air can cause serious
   health risks.
1. All connections on airlines shall be fitted with 
   "R-Clips" and "Whiplines" to prevent the airlines
   from seperating.
2. Personnel shall wear suitable PPE when working 
    with high pressure air, i.e. coveralls, safety boots,
   gloves, face and eye protection.
3. All airlines shall be isolated when not in use.
4. Personnel shall ensure that they can isolate the
   air source quickly in the event of an incident.
Equpment Failure 1. Equipment failure can occur if
   routine maintenance programs are
   not in place to monitor the
   equipments performance and
1. All equipment shall be maintained and monitored
   on a regular basis.
2. All equipment shall be inspected prior to use
   for any damages, etc.
3. Equipment shall be handled with great care to 
   prevent damage.
4. All equipment shall be stored in safe area
Injuries to other 
1. Injuries can occur to other 
   personnel during grit blasting
   activities if "Safe systems of work"
   have not been implemented.
1. Barriers shall be erected around the "Danger"
   blasting area to prevent access to unauthorized
2. Hazard/warning signs shall also be erected to 
   warn other personnel.
3. Only authorized personnel shall be permitted in
   the "Danger" area.
4. The blasting area shall be adquately enclosed
   "Black boxed" to prevent dust spreading to other
5. Precedures shall be implemented in the event of 
   an emergency.
Fall of Personnel 1. Serious injuries can occur if suitable 
   working platforms have not been
   provided to operate the blasting
   equipment from i.e. falls, trip and
   slips. Any one of these could result in
   the uncontrolled release of the
   blasting equipment.
1. Suitable access platforms shall be provided to all
   areas where grit blasting will take place.
2. Access platforms shall be kept clean and tidy at 
   all times to prevent a build up of combustible
   materials and tripping hazards which could prove
   dangerous in the event of an emergency.
3. Cables and airlines, etc. shall be kept out of
   access/egress routes.
Hearing Damage 1. Personnel can suffer both short and
   long term hearing through exposure
   to high levels of noise.
1. Supervisors shall carry out a noise assessment to
   identify the noise levels for which personnel are
   being exposed.
2. Hearing protection shall be provided to all 
3. Personnel shall wear hearing protection at all 
   times when in noisy areas.


Sand Blasting으로 흔히 불리는 Grit Blasting은 목적에 따라 사용하는 재료가 달라집니다.

탱크 내/외부, 배관 내부 등 목적이 어디인지 확인 후에 작업환경에 따른 위험요소를 확인하세요.


저는 모래(규소)를 이용한 Sand Blasting을 접했지만, 쇠구슬(?메탈), 플라스틱 외에도 다양한 재료를 통해 사용되고 있습니다. 현장에서 Sand Blasting 작업이 필요한 상황이라면 고압호스/기계장치 등의 점검은 필수!!

호흡용 보호구는 필수!!!


일반적으로 먼지가 너무 많이 발생되어 주변에서 다른 작업을 하기가 어려워 야간에 이뤄지는 경향이 많습니다.

야간작업을 위한 조명, 작업대 등을 고려하고, 개인보호구 상태도 확인하셔야 합니다.

기억하세요. 먼지가 어마어마 합니다. 근로자 개인보호구 필히 챙겨주세요. 


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