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Safety/Safety Talk


by Pkassy 2023. 2. 14.



Each time you breathe you expose the inside of your body, in particular your lungs, to whatever is in the air around you, dust, vapours, gases etc. The air that you breathe can contain substances that are harmful to you lungs sometimes causing permanent damage. There is also the possibility that the contamination in the air will get into your blood system and cause damage to other organs in your body or your wellbeing as a whole.


  • Harmful vapours from solvents, paints and chemicals.
  • Dust from work activities such as cutting and grinding.
  • Micro-organisms from dust in old derelict buildings or in fine sprays of contaminated water.
  • Harmful gases in the air, for example Hydrogen Sulphide from sludge.


  • Different tasks require different types of protection - make sure you get the right type this will be identified on the risk assessment.
  • If entry into a confined space is involved with the work then everyone involved will need to have been trained in the use of the specialist equipment.
  • The use of respiratory protection equipment should only ever be considered as a last resort.
  • If a work activity is to be undertaken which is going to expose workers to a harmful breathing atmosphere then a written risk assessment is required, this is usually a COSHH Assessment.
  • There are simple, disposable, respirators (masks) available to deal with most of the airborne contaminants that are produced in our industry.
  • Always use the protection provided whenever you are at risk, no matter how short a time the job will take, one breath is sometimes all it takes to cause permanent harm.
  • All respiratory equipment must be marked with "CE" mark and with disposable respirators there will also be the nominal protection factor marked on.
  • Your supervisor or the COSHH assessment will tell you the type of mask that you should be using, make sure you follow that instruction.
  • Make sure that you follow the instructions for fitting any respiratory protective equipment (masks) or it may not be as effective due to leaks.
  • Check by cupping your hands over the respirator that you are breathing air through the respirator and not through gaps around the edge.
  • Most respirators lose their seal when worn over a beard or any substantial facial hair, if you should not undertake any work requiring respiratory equipment, your supervisor will advise you but bring the fact to his attention, he may not have noticed.
  • Do not use a disposable mask for longer than it is designed for, if the mask starts to restrict your breathing or you get an odour breakthrough then go to fresh air and change it for a new one.


  • When you are given respiratory protection what must you check?
  • What must you do if it starts to get hard to breathe?
  • Does it matter what type of respiratory protection is used?


Protect you lungs - you cannot live without them. Protection is detailed in your procedures, standards and regulations.


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