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Safety/safety issue

Gas Cylinders

by Pkassy 2022. 12. 7.

Many thousands of people safely use compressed gases cylinders for many different purposes. 

The energy stored in the cylinders which makes them so useful can and has if abused lead to fatal consequences.  Following the correct procedures is paramount when using compressed gases.  Only competent authorised persons should use compressed gases.



· Flammable and highly flammable gases that form explosive mixtures with air.

· Damaged cylinders that leak, causing a lack of oxygen or explosive mixture.

· Contact with the liquefied gases can cause skin burns or severely damage eyes.

· Heating the cylinders causing them to burst or explode.

· Heavy cylinders that may cause physical injury.


[Safety Points]

· Always follow the correct start up and shut down procedures and never leave equipment 

  in an unsafe condition, always close cylinder valves and vent pipework when finished.

· Know the emergency procedures, remember in case of fire involving a cylinder call the fire

  brigade first, then evacuate the area then, only if it is safe to do so, cool the cylinders with water.

· Always ensure adequate ventilation is available where flammable gases are stored or used and 





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